Donald Trump’s new attorney just screwed up and confessed

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We’ve long seen Donald Trump try to manage his scandals by confessing to what happened while trying to minimize the severity of it or even spin his corrupt actions into something harmless. The thing is, that’s how you deal with political scandals. If you try that same tactic while you’re standing criminal trial for your scandals, is tends to go rather horribly wrong for you.

This brings us to Trump’s newest criminal defense attorney, John Lauro, who was supposed to be more competent than the last dozen attorneys Trump has blown through. But Lauro is already going on TV and flat out admitting that Trump asked Mike Pence to delay certifying the election results in the hope that the states would send different election results in the meantime:

This is, in no uncertain terms, a confession to a crime. That’s right, Donald Trump’s new attorney just went on television and explained why Trump is guilty of what he’s been charged with. This is just stunningly inept.

And yet we all know that this new attorney is only doing this because Donald Trump wanted him to do this. Trump is still trying to handle his scandals as if they were merely political scandals. He still doesn’t seem to understand how anything works in criminal justice system. Then again, he is still a rookie at being a criminal defendant, given that he was never indicted in his life until his three recent indictments and counting.

Any competent attorney would advise Trump against this “confess and minimize” strategy when criminal charges are involved. What’s clear is that Trump has no interest in learning how anything works in the world of criminal justice, no interest in listening to attorneys who do know how it works, and thus no hope of saving himself. It doesn’t really matter who Trump’s attorneys are, so long as Trump is the client.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.