Donald Trump’s narcissistic collapse

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer

Someone in the throes of a narcissistic collapse may lash out with aggression at those around them, they may suffer from deeply impaired functioning, and their aggressive behavior could get worse and worse while in the throes of such a collapse. Donald Trump’s a narcissist. Right now, he is suffering from, in this writer’s opinion, a narcissistic collapse and then some.

Thousands of experts in the subject matter have documented the sickness of narcissism. There is no reason to believe Donald Trump is NOT a narcissist, especially since he has every single sign of this uncurable sickness. From threatening Liz Cheney to disparaging Puerto Rico to doing something very strange to his Microphone the other night, (this writer will not go into detail on just WHAT it was he did, but it was something– ahem — very, very bad. )

So, yes, he is getting worse. But in the next three days, we should expect him to get even worse. Narcissists are, essentially, bottomless pits. Their psyches need constant validation, reassurance, flattery, and love. If they do not get all of these things, they can become insane.

What happens AFTER the Narcissist collapse is complete? This is a subject we have not spoken about much. What are the after-effects? At some point, a collapse must end. What happens then? No responsibility. According to experts, that’s when the blame game starts. The narcissist will blame others around them, the walls, the bedspread, the birds outside, the ceiling, the grass, the neighbors, the MICROPHONE —anyone but themselves.

When the narcissistic jet runs out of fuel, the landing can often be rocky. The person may “withdraw from life.” They may end perfectly good friendships. Their anxiety can snowball, ballooning into isolation. The person with NPD — in this case, I believe that person is Donald Trump — usually can’t form and keep healthy relationships with others ANYWAY, and things can become worse in the aftermath of their breakdown.

What we are witnessing from Donald Trump is a man on fire — on fire with desperation that consumes him, with the righteous indignation of the injustice collector and the utter refusal to act in ways beneficial to society that have any degree of normalcy. So get ready, my friends, for the landing! It won’t be pretty! There will be bumps, and the brakes may not work at their total capacity. THAT is, almost guaranteed at this point.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer