Donald Trump’s mens rea

Donald Trump is guilty. He’s guilty of starting an insurrection. He’s guilty of stealing classified documents. He’s guilty, guilty. and guilty again! Donald Trump is a walking (sometimes talking) guilt train express.
And he will be FOUND guilty, although he doesn’t seem to know that. Trump’s been lighting up Truth-Social lately in ever-so-non-charming ways. Most of what he says is senile gibberish. But occasionally, his audience gets a howl of anguish along with an “I didn’t do anything wrong” Truth Social posting.
All Trump’s protests of innocents are for naught — because the Justice Seekers have the goods on him. And they know it comes down to one thing: Mens Rea.
Mens Rea is about INTENT. It is about whether the defendant KNEW what they were doing was wrong. Mens Rea, translated from Latin, means “Guilty Mind.” It can’t get more clear-cut than that. Mens Rea requires the “state of mind statutorily required in order to convict.”
So, for the Prosecutor of the crime (or crimes_), it falls to them to show and prove the criminal INTENT to commit the crime, which is Mens Rea. Let’s look at an example. Three men are dining in a restaurant. A fourth man comes over and punches one of the men.
In this case, the Mens Rea would be — the fourth man INTENDED to punch this other man in the face. It was not an accident. His clear purpose was to cause physical harm by punching someone in the face. He had the Mens Rea to do that.
Now, let’s look at Donald Trump. In his trials, Men’s Rea will be brought up. Did Donald Trump knowingly steal classified documents? Did he have the INTENT? Of course, he did, and he’s on tape bragging about it! The Mens Rea was there.
Donald Trump incited his followers. We know that. So do the Prosecutors. The gathering of insurrectionists was no accident. Trump had the Mens Rea to call to them to come on Twitter : going to be wild!
He asked them to show up and show you they did. Trump had INTENT. And as the insurrection raged, Trump refused to call it off. He knew it was going on and didn’t care to call it off. I could write one hundred pages on Trump’s Mens Rea. It is present in everything he does, every law he breaks, and every rule of etiquette he sneers at. The key is Mens Rea. That is what will get Donald Trump convicted — of everything.