Donald Trump’s Mehmet Oz endorsement is crashing and burning

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Trump’s endorsement of Mehmet Oz is going so poorly, he now has his pal Sean Hannity out there attacking another Republican candidate Kathy Barnette, for fear she’ll defeat Oz in the primary. Yet the media is still pretending Trump’s endorsements are influential with voters.

This comes after Trump’s candidate in Nebraska lost the primary race to another Republican earlier this week. It also comes even as Trump’s candidate in Georgia, David Perdue, is an astounding 27 points behind his Republican competitor Brian Kemp. And while Trump’s candidate JD Vance won the Republican primary race in Ohio, he only “won” with about 30% of the vote, meaning the other 70% of Ohio Republicans voted against Trump’s candidate.

If Mehmet Oz does end up losing the Republican primary race in Pennsylvania – which is probably a coin toss at this point – perhaps the media will finally have to admit that Trump’s endorsements aren’t worth much and that Trump’s influence on Republican voters has indeed come and gone. But if Oz does just barely scrape out a win, the media will merely ramp up the ratings-driven hysteria about how Trump’s endorsement is some kind of a golden ticket.

Meanwhile back in the real world, Oz would make for a particularly vulnerable Republican nominee, and would merely increase the odds of the Democrats winning that particular Senate seat in the general election.

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