Donald Trump’s lies about the Manhattan criminal case are multiplying

The twice-impeached, disgraced rapist and murderer Donald Trump has suggested that Alvin Bragg, Manhattan’s district attorney, has already dropped the Stormy Daniels hush money case against him. So far Trump’s track record for predicting what Bragg will do next is zero for one.
Recall when he last checked in about Alvin Bragg’s plans, Trump said Bragg was going to have him arrested last Tuesday. Apparently Trump is now trying to make it zero for two in his Alvin Bragg prognostication record.
Speaking with his usual paucity of eloquence to reporters on his plane following his Nuremberg-style rally in Waco, Texas, Trump said, “I think they’ve already dropped the case. It’s a fake case. Some fake cases, they have absolutely nothing.” As with most things Trump says, there is absolutely not one shred of evidence that Bragg has dropped the case.
Meanwhile Joe Tacopina, Trump’s lawyer, is busy cleaning up another Trump mess. Trump posted a picture on his failing social media platform “Truth” Social of himself swinging a baseball bat at Mr. Bragg’s head. Though the image was swiftly taken down, the damage was done.
Trump has since concocted a new narrative about that image. He now claims that he didn’t post it at all, but that it was added later to an article he was reposting.
Trump’s lawyer has a different lie to tell. Tacopina claims the post was put up by “Trump’s people.” “I’m not [Trump’s] social media consultant,” Tacopina told NBC News. “I think that was an ill-advised post that one of his social media people put up and he quickly took down.”
Clearly Trump and his lawyer need to get their lies straight. Whatever the actual case behind the scenes, two things are clear. First, there is no evidence that Alvin Bragg has or will drop the Stormy Daniels case. Second, there is no evidence that anyone but Donald Trump posted a photo of himself taking a baseball bat swing at Mr. Bragg’s head. Both are facts from the real world which Trump appears to be increasingly abandoning.
Trump’s posting the image is consistent with his message of “death and destruction” that will follow if Mr. Bragg has him arrested. It is also consistent with his calling the Manhattan DA “HUMAN SCUM.”
It’s quite clear that Trump posted the ill-advised image in an orgy of absent impulse-control, and later had enough sense to regret it and take it down. This is the man millions Americans want to re-elect as president of the United States. It beggars belief. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

Robert Harrington is an American expat living in Britain. He is a portrait painter.