Donald Trump’s Libertarian Convention humiliation just got even uglier today

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When Donald Trump gave a speech at the Libertarian Convention yesterday, he was widely booed the entire time. It got so ugly that Trump ended up witlessly trying to spar with the audience before ultimately giving up. The only reason Trump didn’t face a barrage of rubber chickens was because they were confiscated before his speech. Was there any way this could get even uglier?

As it turns out, yes. During his failed speech yesterday, Trump asked the audience to name him the Libertarian Party nominee for President. But when the voting was held today, Trump got just six votes out of eight hundred:

Worse for Trump, he lost to someone named Toad, who got sixteen votes. At this point the only positive news for Trump is that he got more votes than a candidate named “Ben Dover” which sounds like a crank call from the Simpsons. Oh, and Stormy Daniels also got a vote even though she wasn’t on the ballot. Libertarians hate Trump just that much.

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