Donald Trump’s lawyers are completely at a loss

In fairness to Donald Trump’s current legal team, there is no correct way to handle things when your client has been caught stealing nuclear secrets and the Feds are now hauling boxes of evidence out of your client’s home. But even as we’ve watched Trump churn through some of the most inept legal representation imaginable over the years, it appears his legal team has now hit rock bottom.
After it became public knowledge on Thursday that the Feds were looking for stolen classified nuclear secrets in Trump’s home, one of Trump’s attorneys appeared on an obscure news channel and claimed that she hadn’t yet asked Trump whether or not he’d been keeping nuclear weapons documents in his home. Hmm. Wouldn’t that be the first thing an attorney would ask her client?
Then, after the unsealed warrant revealed on Friday that the DOJ was criminally investigating Trump for espionage, one of his attorneys publicly stated that her advice to Donald Trump is to announce that he’s not going to run for President in 2024, because in such case all of these criminal investigations would magically go away. No really, she said this. Publicly.
It probably would be a good idea for Trump to announce that he’s not running in 2024, for a number of reasons. But such an announcement certainly wouldn’t make an espionage investigation go away. The DOJ isn’t going to say to itself, “Well, Trump isn’t running for office, so there’s no need for us to prosecute him over these here nuclear secrets that he stole and hid in his closet.”
This is just laugh out loud bad advice coming from Trump’s lawyer. Perhaps this isn’t really what she’s telling Trump behind the scenes, and she’s just saying this publicly because she thinks it’ll help frame the DOJ probe as partisan. But it won’t. Once the public knows you’re being criminally investigated for espionage involving the theft of nuclear secrets, you’re not convincing anyone that it’s just a partisan dust up.