Donald Trump’s latest scam

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.

Donald Trump has always been a grifter. I can’t remember a time when the insurrectionist didn’t grift. This is one skill that comes easily to the orange monster — perhaps the only skill. And with his grift comes the ability to rip off his followers. Trump’s been doing this for a very long time, and there does not seem to be an exit ramp for the conman to exit.

Per Rolling Stone and The Washington Post, Trump had promised dinner to a lucky fan — provided they entered the “contest.” This was part of a “special promotion.” The promotion, of course, involved sending a donation. Wow! Wouldn’t have seen that coming!

And what would the lucky winner get? They would get a ticket to New Orleans,Louisiana, and a hotel stay. They would also like to get the opportunity to dine with his royal idiot. “We’ll cover your flight,” the emails screamed.

These emails also promised to cover the hotel stay AND the price of dinner. I cannot think of much that I would like less. Dining with Trump? I would ONLY do that if he were in prison and I could laugh at him the whole time.

Nonetheless, many a Trump fan was intrigued. And donations are reportedly pouring in. There was just one snag. Nobody ever won the contest. The New Orleans dates came and went. No signs of super-fans dining with Trump.

So what happened? According to a Trump spokesperson, there was an “administrative error.” The winning candidate was not notified in time to make it there. Right. According to this spokesperson, “a substitute prize will be awarded to the winner.” I wonder what that will be. Perhaps chicken nuggets from McDonalds perhaps?

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.