Donald Trump’s JFK distraction

The Trump “administration” has released 80,000 pages of previously unknown documents about the November 22nd, 1963 assassination of John F Kennedy. This is great news — for the crackpot JFK assassination cult. It will spawn dozens of new books, each one contradicting the other, each one as preposterous as anything yet written about the grandfather of crackpot conspiracy theories.
I can tell you without looking that, while some of it will contain new information, none of it will offer one scintilla of actual evidence that the assassination was anything more than what it was — the work of one lone ego-driven loser named Lee Harvey Oswald. Trump directed the moron Tulsi Gabbard to release the files. Gabbard earlier promised (I’m not making this up) to re-interview all of the witnesses to the 61 year old assassination!
Here’s what the release of this “stunning” new information is actually about: a distraction from the broken promise to release the Jeffrey Epstein files, a shiny object to confuse people with goldfish levels of concentration. There is no there there. It’s a little light music, a game of idiot’s delight while the real revelation will remain buried.
Spoiler alert: the newly-released documents also include references to various conspiracy theories. Some suggest that Oswald left the Soviet Union in 1962 intent on assassinating the popular young president. Of course they do. If they hadn’t, the drooling lunatics of the assassination claque would scream bloody murder that conspiracies were never considered. Instead, the drooling lunatics of the assassination claque are now going to scream bloody murder because conspiracies have been considered. You can’t lose in the shiny object world of the JFK assassination bullshit.
Whatever assassination theory someone believes, and there are literally thousands of them, depends on the latest book or documentary they have consumed. Like religion, the decision to join has more to do with circumstances than research. But none in the thrall of the assassination cult ever seem to notice how many conflicting theories there are. When it’s pointed out, unbelievably, to them that’s just further “evidence” they are right!
No, the real scandal is probably in the Epstein files. Trump cultists gleefully promised to release them. They were full of hope that the Epstein files would dig the dirt on Democrats like Bill Clinton. Then, after reading what was actually in them (until their lips got tired) they probably noticed how often and how scandalously their Boy was mentioned, and thought — “Maybe not.”
If there was anything revelatory in the JFK files, or in Area 51, or in all the UFO nonsense, or in the 9/11 “Truther” crap, who thinks for one minute that Trump would share the microphone with anyone? No, he would be proclaiming it to the world, he would crow about it night and day as final “proof” that only he knows what’s really going on, and only he knows the real truth. But the real truth is contained in the mundane, ordinary gutter sleaze that Trump and his MAGA idolaters wallow in every single day.

Robert Harrington is an American expat living in Britain. He is a portrait painter.