Donald Trump’s hallucinations are getting worse

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Over the weekend, a concerning development emerged-a senile traitor expressed his interest in being President for a third term if he wins in November, a possibility we must prevent. Speaking to repugnant audience members at an NRA event, Trump waxed poetic about FDR.

“You know, FDR 16 years—-” Stop now, Donald. Stop RIGHT THERE. You’re not getting a third term or a second term. What you are getting is a prison cell. As many writers at Palmer Report have said, Trump needs to lose this November and to lose in a landslide.

America needs to send a message. The Trump days are over — a distant memory never to be repeated again. Of course, the Mango Mussolini would want a third term. Trump wants to slip out of the knot of his criminality. What better way than to be President — forever? This has always been the monster’s fever dream — these words of Donald Trump really should not surprise anyone.

Luckily, that cannot and will not happen. We have safeguards in place. But yes, it is not surprising to see the traitor openly fantasizing about taking office and never again leaving. ?Three-term”? No Donald — no term. No term at all.

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