Donald Trump’s gang of nine exposed

There were so many bombshells at this last hearing it would be impossible to count. But one little nugget we must not let go of is — the costars in Trump’s little hate dance.
And they are — in no particular order —
Andy Biggs of Arizona.
Gym Jordan of Ohio
Paul Gosar of Arizona
Scott Perry of Pennsylvania
Jody Hice of Georgia
Brian Babin of Texas
Louie Gohmert of Texas
Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia
Matt Gaetz of Florida
You will notice I did not mention them as Congressmen and women. This is because, in my opinion, they do not deserve such a title. They do, however, earn the title of traitor.
All of these people must be held accountable. And they will be. Some of them appear scared out of their little minds. Others are defiant.
At this point, there is absolutely no reason to stand by Donald Trump unless you, too, are a traitor. Think about it. His popularity is waning. Candidates have shown they do better WITHOUT his endorsement. So just what is the GOP waiting for?
The answer? Nothing. I believe that the GOP — most of them — simply do not care about America. What hovers in their streams of consciousness is power. Well, that and money. And attention. That’s their emotional map — money, attention, power. MAP.
So, in our quest to hold Trump accountable, let us not forget the little people — the pea-brained sycophants who huddle on the sidelines but who are in reality every bit as guilty as their tarnished leader.