Donald Trump’s first criminal trial just got cleared for takeoff

Even as the media was busy spending Thursday trying to convince everyone that Donald Trump’s Fulton County trial will somehow never happen and therefore we’re all doomed, something very different was playing out back in the real world.
On Thursday the courts shot down Donald Trump’s last ditch appeal aimed at blocking his New York criminal trial, and cleared the trial to begin on March 25th. That’s a little more than five weeks from now. In other words, here comes Alvin Bragg.
While Trump will file additional nonsense motions in this case, once a date is locked in like this, those last ditch filings tend to get shot down in real time. In other words, this trial isn’t getting delayed. It’s starting on March 25th.
This comes even as the doomsday hype over Donald Trump’s Washington DC criminal trial is starting to wear thin. At the start of the week the media was still trying to convince us that Trump’s Supreme Court appeal would somehow drag out past the election. But thus far it’s taken Jack Smith about a day to file his response, and it’s now taken Trump about a day to file his rebuttal. Now we just wait for the Supreme Court to decide it doesn’t want the case, and then that trial will get underway.
We’re now looking at Trump’s New York criminal trial starting on March 25th, and then his Washington DC criminal trial likely starting right after the New York trial finishes. It’s shaping up to be a one-two punch. And then Trump’s Fulton County trial will likely begin not long after his Washington DC trial begins. The only “doomsday” aspect here is if you’re Donald Trump.