Donald Trump’s final battle

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Since the verdict came in (guilty on all counts), Donald Trump has not been coping well, and that’s putting it mildly. He has thrown all sorts of tantrums. He appears bitter, hollowed out, and angry. Trump is the original hollow man. Trump shared on Truth Social a video he had previously shared. It shows him telling his supporters we are gearing up for the final battle. He is right. We ARE gearing up, only not for the battle Donald Trump thinks.

We are gearing up to say goodbye — au revoir, adios, hasta la vista — to Donald Trump. Donald Trump has been at war since he was born — at war with himself and his inner darkness. Sociopathy is not something that one can fight, and Donald didn’t even attempt a struggle when sociopathy came knocking.

The “final battle,” as he so charmlessly puts it, is his trials and sentencing. The final thing is to beat him in November. I’ve no doubt we can do it. Donald Trump, at this point, resembles — he resembles a human sinkhole, growing ever deeper with malcontent. I think some deeply hidden aspect of him knows that it’s no use.

In the video Trump posted, he snarled about casting out the “communists, Marxists and fascists.” He talks about “the sick political class that hates our country.” It’s rather amusing to see Trump project this much. For that’s what it is — pure protection.

It is Trump and his beastly MAGA base who hate America. Nobody, I repeat NOBODY, who loves America would ever seek to harm her. I do not think I have ever seen someone with more hate in their heart for America than Donald Trump. So yes, we will beat him in November. However, it is not just him.

We must be prepared to fight and fight hard to win EVERY ELECTION that comes our way. Sadly, it’s come to this. But the Republican party has fallen in line with him. They have shown that Donald Trump means more to them than the great country of America!

That makes my jaw drop. Whom I ask you, who — would ever put a traitor and loser and criminal before this grand country, this tapestry of beauty, rainbows and wonder that America? The GOP have lost the ability to use logic and reason. So yes, this election matters very much—as does every election after it.

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