Donald Trump’s favorability numbers crash and burn amid his worsening legal troubles

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Donald Trump’s approval rating has plummeted among independents, likely because most people in this country have realized the depth of his insanity, including independent voters. An ANC Ipsos poll found that Trump’s overall approval has dropped to an astonishing 25%. I repeat: only 25% of this country said they had a favorable view of Mr. Trump.

These numbers are not just low; they’re abysmal. They show bad news for the insurrectionist. They show he is unelectable. The last time this type of poll was taken from Ipsos, Trump enjoyed a 35% approval. That’s a huge drop.

Of course, polls are only snapshots in time, but things have been heading in this direction for a long time. Trump is now the GOP’s candidate from hell. HOW on earth can he be expected to win in a general if his poll numbers stay like that?

I don’t think they will stay like that. I think they will get even worse. After all, there are more indictments likely coming down the pike. Lady Justice is not yet finished with Trump. “She’ll be coming round the mountain” for him again, likely soon.

Another poll done by CNN and SSRS found just eight percent independents felt that Trump was blameless in the Stormy Daniels case. Eight percent!

This, then, is the “man” whom the GOP defends. This, then, is the man who Gym Jordan just got sued by Alvin Bragg over. This, then, is the man whom all the world hates. This is the man Lindsey Graham is trolling for dollars for.

What a bunch of nitwits the Republicans are! How awful a candidate Donald Trump is! What horrendous news these polls are for him.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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