Donald Trump’s epic 2024 meltdown

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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I think daily meltdowns from Donald Trump are kind of inevitable at this point in his life. And on Wednesday night, Trump, duly gave in to his brain-zombies and melted down. He accused Joe Biden of breaking the law in his own classified document case.

“Crooked Joe Biden broke the law”, Trump said, adding that Joe Biden sent classified documents all over the world, including China. This is a classic case of projection. Projection is one of the few things Donald Trump does well.

It seems that every time Donald Trump gets into trouble, he wants other people to suffer with him. Unfortunately for Trump, Joe Biden is not a lawbreaker. He is the opposite.
Joe Biden will go down in history as being one of our best presidents. Already people compare him to FDR. It must eat Trump up inside.

Trump projects because of his insecurities. So of course, accusing Biden of doing what he did would be normal for him. The fact is, we’ve never had a president who broke the law like Trump did, and believe me my stomach turns at having to call him a former president. Even Nixon looks like a picnic next to Trump.

I’m sure our forefathers never anticipated anything like the orange traitor. I often like to ponder what if they had? The fact remains that since Christmas Eve, Trump has been on sort of a nonstop bender only instead of alcohol, Trumps drink of choice is truth social ranting

Unlike with alcohol there is no sobering up for Trump. Think about it. Who else would listen to this garbage, other than Lindsey Graham? So as we head into the new year and welcome in 2024, I do wonder what Trump will say on New Year’s Eve.

After all, this Christmas he told us all to rot in hell. What could be coming down the pike for New Year’s Eve? Time will tell I suppose, but whatever it is it won’t help him get out of the mess he is in. Happy 2024, Donald Trump.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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