Donald Trump’s empty undoing

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

E. Jean Carroll had been scared — scared of seeing her rapist in court. As she described to Rachel Maddow, she was terrified – her skies were full of clouds, and she even lost her voice shortly before the day she was due in court Then she was there. And she looked out at him, a goofy image among a sea of spectators — and her fear vanished like the wind. And she realized he was nothing.

“Rachel, he is not even there,” she said.

“Amazingly, I looked out, and he was nothing.”

“He was nothing. He was a phantom.”

Those words are haunting; are they not? They’re haunting because Donald Trump IS NOT there, and he IS a phantom — a phantom of nothingness, of emptiness, a fragile image, not of power but of powerlessness, a shadow flickering that had already begun to disappear.

“It was the people around him who were giving him power.” Imagine, my friends. Imagine if the blood-sucking vampires around him had never given him their obsequiousness. Imagine if the monster never had been built. He would not even be but a blip on our radars.

“He’s nothing. We don’t need to be afraid of him.” Such wise words from a wise woman who found out, through perseverance, that Donald Trump is nothing.

“He can be knocked down. Twice by these women right here.” Let Carroll’s words, so eloquently spoken, be a lesson for everyone. We do not — and never will -fear Donald John Trump. We fear not his bullying. We fear not his rage. We see his mental turbulence.

We are strong, like Carroll and we know — there is nothing, nothing at all that Trump can do to us to make us tremble. Carroll gave us a gift with those words, so hauntingly spoken.

You see, we ALL know. We know that Donald Trump is a reflection, a narcissistic reflection, a tiny inconsequential pool of water.

Yes and we also know that like the original Narcissus, that cocky lad, traipsing through the forest, Donald Trump’s obsession with his own reflection has caused and will continue to cause his own ruin.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.