Donald Trump’s dying dream

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I was so very happy as I cruised along, with family and friends, in a breathtaking rocket that had been invented to fly people right above the sea (and on it.) And I was one of those lucky people who got to experience the feeling of flying. Then I woke up I’m sure everyone remembers particular dreams — or nightmares they have had. It is thought that dreams help “consolidate and analyze memories and likely serve as rehearsals for various situations and life challenges.”

Still, there is much that is unknown about dreams. They often tease us, coming to us while we sleep and then leaving only a hint of themselves behind for the dreamer to ponder the meaning of.

Donald Trump has a dream. Trump’s dream is to escape, unscathed from his life, which, unfortunately for him, has turned into a very real, non-dreamy nightmare.

And unlike the sometimes haunting dreams that come to us in sleep, Trump’s wide awake for HIS daydream — one that, of course, will never come true. Perhaps that is why Trump said what he did to Hugh Hewitt.

Trump spoke to Hewitt during his radio show. Not one to hold back, Hewitt asked the question on many a person’s mind: “How are you going to make these (political) points if you’re sitting behind a defendant’s table in a courtroom?”

The answer that Trump gave shows that his dream is alive and well and living in denial. Here is some of what Trump said:

“These aren’t cases.”

“These are cases that were brought by political opponents.”

“That’s why I’m beating him by so much.”

“Nobody’s ever seen anything like it.”

Is Trump serious? Can he POSSIBLY believe that “these aren’t cases?” Trump might still be in the denial stage of his nightmare, but he’d better wise up soon. Of course, this IS Donald Trump we’re talking about, and “wise” and “Trump” do not usually go together.

He’s about to get a cold dose of reality. Trump must, at some point, start preparing for the inevitable. Perhaps he can’t. Perhaps he is so arrogant that he truly believes he’ll walk away Scot-free. If so, that is one dream that is definitely NOT coming true, now or ever.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can