Donald Trump’s downfall has Republicans scrambling

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Smugness is never a good look for anyone. Smugness can be a person’s worst nightmare. And sometimes smugness can play a massive role in bringing a person — or a political non-party — down. And that appears to be happening with the bland old party. The Hill has reported that there are GOP divisions all over the place.

Most of these divisions seem to have a root cause. And that cause is the Lord of the lies himself. Reportedly, Trump is infuriating some Republicans, worrying others, and confounding many. This is because he is starting to become an albatross for many in the GOP. This isn’t all that surprising when one stops to think it over. Trump’s involvement in the Georgia special elections hurt rather than helped the GOP. And now he’s doing it again.

It seems there is another scandal about the orange bat daily. From being accused of mishandling classified information to losing his accounting firm, it’s been one nightmare after another for the buffoon.

And, of course, his constant calls for violence aren’t helping. Mike Pence has just come out against him. Some Republicans support Pence. Others are stubbornly staying in Trump’s corner. The GOP is splitting in two.

And the internal squabbling is (finally) being reported on a bit. This squabbling bodes terribly for a party that was hoping to stay one tight unit. But alas, it is not to be. The fall of the bland old party started years ago but is now in an unstoppable spiral. And the Republicans seem to have no idea what to do or how to handle things.

They have bound themselves body and soul to Trump. Like the chains of Prometheus, these chains are heavy and immovable. The Republicans are terrified of Trump, and it’s obvious. So they can’t break the chains.

The only course of action available to them is to let Trump do as he wishes. And right now, apparently, what he wishes is for chaos, disorder, and utter destruction. It appears that’s what he’s getting.

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