Donald Trump’s delusions are melting this weekend

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Donald Trump wanted to be the king of America, but instead he’s merely the king of delusion. He seems to live in a narcissistic fantasy world, made worse by his dementia symptoms. But reality has a way of breaking through when it’s jarring enough.

Over the past few weeks Trump has had to sit helplessly in a courtroom while a parade of people from his past has taken the stand. He knows that if he leaves the trial he’ll be arrested. He knows that if he says certain things about the witnesses, he’ll be locked up. All he can do is sit there and watch the trial go poorly for him.

Of course the only thing worse than being on criminal trial is being convicted at the end of that criminal trial. Now that the prosecution has confirmed that Michael Cohen will testify on Monday, and that there will only be one additional unnamed witness after that, even a confused Trump is surely figuring out that he’s indeed at the end.

Al Sharpton, who has known Trump personally for decades, said on Friday that Trump’s “delusions are melting” now that he has to spend this weekend waiting for the Michael Cohen hammer to drop on Monday, and for the verdict hammer to drop not long after.

Sharpton has a point. It’s one thing for Trump to rationalize that he’s still President, or that his hair looks better than it does, or he’s the best golfer in the world, or anything like that. But Trump knows if he’s convicted and sent to prison, he’s not going to be able to rationalize that his cell is actually Mar-a-Lago.

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