Donald Trump’s defense team just made “textbook mistakes” in his criminal trial

Donald Trump is having an absolutely terrible go of it during his criminal trial. He keeps falling asleep. The judge is threatening to throw him in jail for the things he says when he’s awake. He doesn’t appear to know which witnesses are for or against him.
For as poorly as Trump is faring, his attorneys aren’t doing much better. They seemed to think they had Stormy Daniels on the ropes on Tuesday. But their attempt at a cross examination was such a disjointed mess, legal expert Harry Litman ended up saying that the whole thing was a series of “textbook mistakes.”
It’s worth pointing out that Trump’s attorneys were initially handling this trial in fairly competent fashion. But then after Trump leaked to the media that he was upset because they weren’t being aggressive enough, they then proceeded to “aggressively” botch their cross examination of David Pecker.
Now, on a day when Trump was so upset by Stormy Daniels’ testimony that he spent the whole time cursing under his breath at her, Trump’s attorneys proceeded to go at Daniels so “aggressively” that it backfired. We’re seeing a pattern here. The more involved Trump is in his own defense strategy, the more incoherent and self defeating it is.