Donald Trump’s criminal defense team is in freefall

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Lawrence O’Donnell happens to be my favorite pundit on MSNBC. And the other night, he brought up an interesting question about the lord of the lies, Donald Trump. As you know, Trump’s merry band of lawyers have been — well — acting incompetent at their best and utterly bizarre at their worst.

The rumor is that so many accomplished attorneys simply didn’t want to go anywhere NEAR Trump’s case because it’s a stinker. That is likely true.

But Trump DOES have legal representation, although they just got raked over the coals by Judge Raymond Dearie in court the other day. And O’Donnell had a theory of WHY the attorneys are proving themselves so utterly incompetent.

Could they be doing it on purpose? Could these attorneys, in their hearts of hearts, want Donald Trump to be indicted? After all, O’Donnell argued, they have so botched the case that it is a theory worth considering.

Now I do not know if this is true or not. But let’s suppose that it is – or that Donald Trump, chomping perhaps on chicken nuggets and alone as usual, heard Lawrence say this, which he probably did.

It’s gaslighting at its finest — a worthy punishment for Trump. Trump’s a hustler and not a very good one. But his whole life has been about the art of the con — the ability to gaslight his love-struck followers. So wouldn’t it be nice to see the tables turned on him? Would it not be nice to see a bit of gaslighting of Mr. Trump?

The fact is Trump is poised to lose badly in court. And his attorneys have not offered a damn thing regarding a defense. And Trump turns on everyone sooner or later. So it wouldn’t surprise me in the LEAST if he turns on his own legal team.

Think of it. Trump watches MSNBC even though he tries to deny it. If he did hear what O’Donnell said, his rampant paranoia, always poised and ready to go, would likely consume him.

I predict there might be roars of rage from Trump’s side even now. So — is Trump being gaslighted? Could this theory be true? In the world in which we live these days — nothing would surprise me.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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