Donald Trump’s collapse is giving the GOP nightmares

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

The problem with building monsters is — what if the monster surpasses its maker? Bad, very bad things can happen when this occurs. See, the monster-builders often do not think beyond “immediate gratification.” Many of these corrupt inventors want what they want when they want it — and often, they want it NOW.

So it was that the GOP helped build the waste of humanity that is Donald Trump. Don’t get me wrong. Trump was evil from the get-go. But Republicans enabled and shaped, cajoled and begged, coaxed and learned and helped design the Trump virus to be it’s very worst — the most evil it could possibly be.

The GOP was in heaven — such a help he could be to them! He could teach them all the tricks that their bumbling selves didn’t know how to do. Trump liked lying and cheating — Trump was king of the lies, and many in the GOP were eager pupils. Together, the dark, psychotic students spurred their bogeyman on, to be the worst he could be.
But then the monster became out of control. It sort of became a zombie, destroying everything in its path — including its makers? Maybe.

“Please do not do this to us!” This is reportedly what the dark Republican children are begging of their twisted creation.

This is because Trump wants to possibly announce a fake candidacy — BEFORE THE MIDTERMS. And that could ruin EVERYTHING. Rumor has it the GOP is beside themselves — with horror — at the one they helped create — who, of course, in the spirit of twisted monsters like Medusa — is not concerned with the pleas of its victims.

The Republicans wanted it — they got it. There is a VERY good chance Trump will do this not only because he needs to make everything about him. Not only to try to put heat on the Justice Department, which won’t work anyway. Oh, no. You see, I believe there is another reason few are speaking of.

Trump is the ultimate punisher. I believe the long and endless streaks of sadism that exist within him would delight in watching the Republicans suffer — enjoy their desperation — rejoice in their panic. After all — Trump IS the monster of all humankind. And monsters are ALWAYS merciless — to everyone who falls into their path. That is, after all — why they’re monsters.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer