Donald Trump’s cognitive state of decline is getting even worse

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Trump’s mental health — or lack thereof — is once again in the spotlight. This is because Donald Trump has been in hiding all week. There have been no rallies, no anything, until his whopper of a press conference on Thursday.

This presser highlighted just how far gone Trump REALLY is. One could see his mind, splayed out for the public, jumping around like a nervous frog, from this subject to this subject, then to that subject, thoughts unfinished, simply one long barrage of crap.

But even before this presser, Trump’s mental decline had been back in the news. For example, many experts came forward to tell The Daily Beast that, in their opinions, Trump is showing solid signs of “cognitive diminishment.”

“State of decline.” For example, a professor from Boston University explained that Trump’s speech patterns had turned: “meandering.” He also said there seemed to be frontal lobe deterioration.

Of course, Trump will lie about this report when he hears about it (if his handlers let him see it and if he knows how to read it). But we can see the truth. Perhaps Trump doesn’t have so many rallies because he can’t.

I also feel Kamala has shaken the traitor up badly. He seemingly has no idea how to handle her; his brain is once again plunging into the river, and there is no life preserver in imminent sight.

Another mental health expert who talked to the Beast remarked that Trump’s speaking methods had declined, and he rated them as between a ten and a 24 on a scale of one to one hundred: “He does not think in a complex way at all.”

If Trump intends to debate Harris as he says, it will be something to see! I am sure his thoughts will be like upside-down merry-go-rounds, whirling around, getting the traitor into trouble once again.

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