Donald Trump’s cognitive collapse is accelerating

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Saturday evening, Donald Trump attempted to hold what he called a rally. I’d call it a mental collapse. During this event, Trump made up words that did not exist, slurred his speech, paid tribute to a film serial killer, and cursed like a drunk barfly, causing numerous MAGA to walk out of the event,

So it’s perhaps not surprising that psychologists are now red-flagging the event as a horrible sign of Donald Trump’s cognitive decline. They say this shows he is getting worse.

“Accelerating.” That is the word they’re using, which means to speed up. That’s Donny the clown, alright. His thoughts are cocktails in a frenzied blender, whirling at full speed, as insanity and cognitive waste chop up these thoughts, turning them into fizz.

Out of that blender? “Deterioration.” Yep. That’s the OTHER word that two psychologists are using and using with alarm. Harry Segal is a clinical psychologist at Cornell University. John Gartner is a Psychologist and former assistant professor at Johns Hopkins.

Do you know how smart one must be to be a psychologist? My dad is one. It’s a tough job but a great one as well. Both these men are EXPERTS at what they do, and BOTH these men appear to think things not only have gotten worse for Trump but that they will get even MORE awful.

“We are going to be documenting his cognitive deterioration,” Gartner said. He explains that the rate of deterioration is only getting worse. Gartner also reprimanded many in the media for not TALKING about this. It is true. Never was Trump’s cognitive decline more on display than Saturday night, a night filled with bats out of hell, an evening filled with the moral decay AND the total and complete collapse of Donald John Trump’s noxious mind.

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