Donald Trump’s cognitive abilities are getting even worse since the debate

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If there’s one thing we all know for certain about dementia, it’s that it doesn’t get better. It only gets worse. Given that Donald Trump keeps displaying symptoms that are consistent with dementia, and that his condition keeps getting worse, there has been every reason to expect that he’ll continue getting worse. During last month’s debate, Trump came off as fully lost and confused. But since that time he’s managed to indeed get even worse.

How bad has Trump’s condition gotten of late? He recently did an interview with Fox News that has a double digit number of jump-cut edits in under two minutes. How much incoherent gibberish must Trump have packed into that interview for his pals at Fox to have edited it that heavily? Then there was this recent media moment where Trump got stuck on repeat and said “They rigged the election, I didn’t rig the election, they rigged the election” over and over while looking like a deer in the headlights.

This helps explain why, as much as Donald Trump needs to do another debate with Kamala Harris in the hope of narrowing the race, he can’t do it. Trump is so far gone cognitively, another debate would only end up costing him votes. The guy can’t put one sentence together anymore. He can’t hold a train of thought. He doesn’t know where he’s at. He doesn’t know what’s going on. And yet we still have to get out there and make sure we win this election, because we can’t have a President who’s both pure evil and fully senile. Donate now

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