Donald Trump’s closing argument is losing the jury already

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I wrote earlier this morning that Donald Trump’s defense team was blowing it with its closing argument. Instead of trying to carve out some narrow sliver of reasonable doubt, Trump’s defense attorney is arguing that Trump is definitively innocent – something that the jury isn’t going to buy after what it’s spent the past month taking in.

It turns out I’m not the only one who sees it that way. Legal expert Norm Eisen, who is in the courtroom, tweeted that several members of the jury are looking away from Trump’s defense attorney as he’s reaching the crescendo of his argument. Eisen added this: “I don’t think this jury is fond” of the defense attorney. Eisen also said that one juror was looking at the clock during the defense’s closing argument.

This is just bad for Donald Trump. His defense attorney is giving the kind of closing argument that a narcissistic and addled Trump wants to hear, not the kind of closing argument that can sway the jury.

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