Donald Trump’s campaign got hacked by someone with an AOL account?

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Everything about Donald Trump and his campaign keeps getting weirder. That’s turning out to be true even when it comes to scandals in which Trump is the apparent victim. Someone apparently hacked into the Trump 2024 campaign and stole internal campaign documents and sent them to Politico. The Trump campaign is suggesting that Iran was behind it. But Politico says that it received the documents from someone with an email address.

We’re not in any way making fun of AOL email. There are plenty of people who have kept their AOL email address around for thirty years, and if anything it points to someone who was an internet early adopter. But what hacker uses their AOL personal email address to send hacked documents to a major news outlet? We’re not exactly talking about high level espionage here.

Yet the Donald Trump campaign wants us to believe that the government of Iran hacked into the campaign and then sent stolen documents to Politico using an email address. Uh, no. This sounds like the work of an amateur low level hacker at best. If anything it suggests that the Trump 2024 campaign is rinky dink enough to get hacked by just about anyone. They’re just so weird.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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