Donald Trump’s brain is potato salad

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After Donald Trump was found guilty on all thirty-four felony charges yesterday, he meekly lumbered out of the courtroom, clearly defeated. Today he decided to hold a press conference at the friendlier confines of Trump Tower, which he still partly owns (for now).

Unfortunately for Trump, he’s still Trump. He tried looking defiant by attacking the judge in his criminal trial, but instead he ended up claiming that one of the defense witnesses was “literally” crucified. Then Trump went on to call the judge the devil, while incoherently saying… whatever this is supposed to mean:

There’s no nice way to put it: Donald Trump’s brain is potato salad. He doesn’t have any idea where he’s at or what’s going on, and he can’t even get up and read the talking points that his babysitters have put in front of him. There’s just nothing left of this guy. As we move forward with our messaging, let’s keep in mind that he’s not just a convicted felon, he’s also completely senile.

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