Donald Trump’s approval rating is in the crapper already

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Eros the God of love, in ancient Greek mythology, had what must’ve been, I feel, an extremely fun job. His job was to make people fall in love with each other. According to legend, he would shoot his arrows and, faster than one could say, snap crackle pop, that particular person would be lovestruck, gazing at whomever had been deemed the object of this person’s affection.

But sometimes, Eros was known to have played some tricks. For example, having someone fall in love with the most unlikely person or Animal. Yes, Animal, that’s what I said. Sometimes, the object of the person’s affection would be, for example, a donkey or another animal. The gods had a vicious sense of humor at times.

I sometimes amuse myself by thinking how fun it might have been if Eros had done this to Donald Trump. Oh the fun Eros could’ve had with the traitor! The possibilities would have been endless. However, in current times there doesn’t seem to be any signs of Eros performing his magic on Donald Trump because if these latest polls are correct, Trump’s numbers are tumbling downward, just as we hoped they would.

Several new polls are out and it seems there is a wave of pessimism washing over America in regard to the traitor. For example, a new poll from Marist/NPR , Trump’s approval stands at a mere 44%. 49 percent say they disapprove. That is REALLY low for an incoming President. I mean — it’s just terrible, frankly.
It shows his approval ratings are plunging. Surprised? I ‘m not. A poll from The Economist/YouGov shows much the same, with a split of 45%/51%. USA Today has Trump’s favorability at 47 percent. See a pattern here? He is below 50 percent in each and EVERY poll.

I chuckle when I see desperate Republicans on TV, hyping Trump’s numbers. Contrary to Fox non-news opinion, Donald Trump is not popular with the American people. AND his popularity is falling fast.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer