Donald Trump’s 2024 “campaign” crashes and burns

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While the former guy has officially launched his 2024 campaign for president, he did it considerably earlier than the start of the campaign season. We at Palmer Report largely predicted that he would do this, as Donald Trump’s campaign is meant to be little more than a distraction from the numerous scandals he faces as a former president and the multiple ones his organization is currently facing.

The media has largely ignored his new campaign, realizing it hasn’t had much to offer in the ratings department – and if they probably did pay a bit more scrutiny, the campaign would probably be even worse off, as that would require them having to concede that despite this being a serious presidential bid, Trump 2024 has no campaign manager in charge.

While you would expect Trump 2024 to be a whole bunch of rallies between now and November 2024, we haven’t had one since the midterm season wrapped up. The reason for that has become more clear – and it’s a fairly predictable one: The former guy doesn’t have the money. There haven’t actually been any formal campaign reports filed – but a number of former top GOP contributors are not supporting Trump’s latest presidential bid and Trump can’t tap into his own super PAC as a presidential candidate.

Even when it comes to grassroots fundraising there isn’t much left as Donald Trump milked those donors dry with his Stop the Steal nonsense. While the media was hoping Trump would run again for the sideshow, it turns out the sideshow isn’t even a particularly interesting one.

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