Donald Trump tries a delusional hail mary

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If you want some sense of how poorly Trump witness Robert Costello’s testimony went with the Manhattan grand jury today, all you have to do is look at how Costello went on TV afterward and had an angry meltdown about how none of the grand jury members even wanted a copy of the supposed “evidence” he’d brought with him. But hope springs eternal if you’re Donald Trump, because hope is all he has left. Delusional hope, at this point.

On his own social network tonight, Donald Trump posted this: “It is being said that disbarred lawyer Michael Cohen was put out to dry today after his highly respected former attorney and legal adviser, Robert Costello, made a great impression not only on the D.A.โ€™s Office, but the grand jury itself.”

Wait a minute here. Donald Trump somehow knows that the DA and the grand jury viewed this testimony positively? That’s remarkable, in that it’s impossible. And Trump’s source for this supposed information is “it is being said”? That sounds legit.

It seems pretty obvious that Costello, or someone else in Trump’s remaining inner circle, simply told Trump that Costello’s testimony went well in order to pacify Trump and get him to keep his chin up. Of course any real friend would be breaking the news to Trump that he’s in real trouble. But Trump doesn’t have those kinds of friends, apparently.

At the end of Trump’s post, he insisted that “THE D.A. WILL DO THE RIGHT THING!” Wait, have the people around Trump convinced him that he’s actually off the hook? Is Trump so far gone that he’s convinced himself of this? Or is he just putting this assertion out there in the hope of willing it into existence? In any case, this might be Trump’s most delusional hail mary yet. At this point it’s almost mind boggling.

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