Donald Trump tried giving another speech today, and backfired spectacularly

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Donald Trump’s handlers tried not letting him hold rallies at all, and it worked in the sense that it kept the media from writing fresh headlines about his worsening dementia symptoms. But eventually the headlines became about Trump’s lack of any campaign events, and so now Trump’s handlers have allowed him to give speeches on consecutive days. They shouldn’t have.

Trump’s rally speech on Friday was bad enough, as Trump nearly fell over (and then blamed the podium), before going on to babble incoherently. But Trump’s NRA speech on Saturday was even more of a debacle.

Trump took the stage more than two hours late. At one point an announcement was made about his late arrival, and an impatient audience booed the announcement. So much for his base being eagerly willing to wait all day for him to wake up and take the stage.

Once Trump was on stage, it was a total disaster. At one point during his speech, Trump claimed that Jack Smith is prosecuting him in New York. Trump has just spent the past five weeks in a courtroom with prosecutor Alvin Bragg, and yet Trump is so far gone that he thinks Jack Smith is the one who’s been prosecuting the case. That’s about as bad as it gets.

At another point during his speech on Saturday, Trump began slurring so incoherently that he may have made up the new word “succential.” He’s that far gone. At this point it’s fair to say that Donald Trump’s recent rallies are backfiring on him. If his people keep allowing him to go out there like this, the headlines will go back to being all about his cognitive collapse. So by all means, let’s hope they keep sending him out there every day.

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