Donald Trump totally loses the plot during afternoon trial break

Donald Trump’s defense team’s closing argument has come and gone and made no impact. Now the prosecution is reminding everyone of just how incredibly thorough its case against Trump is. As the prosecution’s closing argument goes into the evening, the court just took a brief recess. Trump used the time to show everyone that he’s totally lost the plot.
During the recess, Trump posted “BORING!” on his social media site. That’s right, Trump is watching the closing argument in a criminal trial that’s about to make him a convicted felon, and he thinks it’s too “boring” to matter.
Trump, as his mind continues to fade, truly seems to think this is some kind of reality show. More to the point, this “reality show“ is clearly too difficult for him to follow. He’s slept through much of it. He’s ignored key witnesses while preferring to look at a stack of pictures. And now he seems to think that the prosecution’s closing argument isn’t going to get a conviction because it’s not entertaining enough. In such case he’s about to be shocked at who the losing contestant ends up being.