Donald Trump throws over the top tantrum for the ages

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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“HOW MUCH MORE ARE PATRIOTS EXPECTED TO TAKE???” That’s Donald Trump having another meltdown on truth social. As we figured he would, Trump is losing his mind. His tantrums have not stopped since news of the indictment broke. Over and over, on and on, he rages, sounding more desperate by the hour.

Trump also attacked Alvin Bragg and his wife, although I won’t repeat such hate gibberish here. Now I know about gag orders. I know judges do not like to impose such orders unless it’s absolutely necessary. Free speech and all that.

But this is also hate speech. And hate speech and threats are different than free speech. I have no idea if a gag order will be imposed or not but in my opinion, it should. Things can’t go on this way. The man should not be allowed to rage like this from now until the trial.

The man is now an indictee. Surely that comes with some rules. And Trump should be no different than any other person indicted. If he can’t control himself, then his internet should be taken away.

And the Judge hearing the case has a long record of fairness and experience. I doubt he will tolerate this crazy posting. Trump is already going way too far. What other person can you remember in recent history who was indicted and acted like this?

So I trust this Judge whom Trump has already tweeted about. Trump’s paranoia has kicked into overdrive, however, and he’s like a race car that goes off course and just keeps on going. He’s without anyone to pull him back, and alone and crazed, he’s giving in to the dark part of himself.

Tuesday should be something. After all, it’s that often a former president gets indicted. This is the first time that’s happened. And I, for one, do wonder if Trump will erupt at the hearing and start calling His Honor names. Someone better talk to the orange imp and explain things are different now for him. However it is doubtful he’d even have the capacity to understand.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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