Donald Trump throws a tantrum

As one might have expected, Assolini is not at all happy about the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson. “If she can’t even say what a woman is. How on earth can she be trusted to say what the Constitution is?” This from Assolini himself. These words should surprise nobody who knows anything about the lord of the lies.
He is a racist. He is an insurrectionist. So it stands to reason he’d be vigorously against the nomination of an outstanding woman of color.
The good news is Trump is on his way out with the American people. He held a rally the other evening in the state of Georgia. The crowd was small. People noticed.
His poll numbers have plunged downward, and his support of Putin is leaving many Americans with a bad taste in their mouths.
Trump continued his awestruck wonderment of the Russian monster at his rally, declaring Putin is “smart,” something his audience seemingly agreed with, as evidenced by their wild cheering.
Trump also let loose on Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, calling him a RHINO and begging his supporters not to vote for him. He also labeled Kemp a “turncoat” for not illegally helping him steal the election.
Trump’s dwindling audience, carefully primed and ready to go, chanted “lock him up” about Kemp. “Lock him up” or “lock her up” really does not appear to have much meaning for Maga. They will use those words against anybody and everybody they do not like and use them with venom.
Donald Trump is not a danger to us anymore. But I remain deeply concerned about his mini-Trumps, the little gnomes of terror that he birthed. They’re all around us, and they, unlike Trump, DO have the power to hurt us — if they attain power.
So, let’s make sure they don’t. I’ve no doubt Trump’s audience — the “lock her. him up” crowd — the drooling snakes in the poisonous pit — WOULD happily lock anybody up who disagreed with their world-views.
And the Trump mini-me’s such as Hawley and Cruz and Blackburn will do and say seemingly anything to make these same people love them. Luckily, these people — this angry, torrential band of insane fury — are dwindling. We see this every day.