Donald Trump throws a fit after yet another of his “friends” turns on him
People like Donald Trump don’t have friends. But there are people he thinks of as “friends” because he’s managed to manipulate them into doing his bidding. The thing is, with Trump now falling to pieces, many of those friends are running for the exits in an attempt at avoiding the fallout.
We keep seeing Trump’s co-defendant “friends” like Powell, Ellis, and Meadows sell him out to prosecutors in an attempt at saving themselves. But now some of Trump’s political “friends” – the ones who backed his 2016 and 2020 campaigns – are also deciding to try to get out from under his political collapse before 2024.
Trump’s longtime friend Andrew Stein announced this week that he doesn’t see Trump as viable for 2024, and instead threw his weight behind Nikki Haley. This isn’t surprising. Trump’s current primary polling numbers are irrelevant when you factor in that he’s on his way to prison. Everyone outside the narrowest sliver of his hardcore base is likely to give up on him once they see that he’s simply not viable.
Trump is naturally upset about Stein dropping him. Trump has declared on social media that “I’m the one doing the dropping.” No really, that’s the best Trump can come up with. Trump is also bashing the Wall Street Journal for daring to cover the story, whining about how it put “this ridiculous endorsement into its pages of bad RINO loving policy and misinformation.”
Well okay then. In other words yet another person in Donald Trump’s circle has concluded that Trump’s life is over and is moving on from Trump, and so Trump is once again throwing a tantrum about it. Once you get past the bombast, you realize that tantrums are all Trump has left. All he can do is whine, as everyone around him continues to sell him out on his way down.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report