Donald Trump suffers malfunction

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Listening to the radio yesterday, I happened to hear a great song — Bruce Springsteen’s Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out. It’s such a great song! Little did I know that not 24 hours later, I would be writing about a freeze-out.

This freeze-out, however, has nothing to do with Bruce Springsteen and everything to do with a little dazed and very confused orange thing who, while giving a “speech” at an NRA event, had his own freeze-out where he appeared—lost in the dark cavities of his own dazed brain.

Speaking to the audience, Donald Trump — went silent. He froze. “He froze up at his own rally!” Trump had just got done praising the state of Texas.

“Brave, brave pioneers,” Trump said about Texans. But what happened next would change the whole dynamic of the room. Trump appeared to be playing freeze-tag — with himself.

“He’s just standing there.” He went silent. The lights inside his head, already flickering for a long time, silently went off and began to fade.

There followed more than thirty seconds of a silent and frozen Trump who said nothing. Music eerily played behind him. He (Trump), at one point, music rolling, could be seen silent on stage, shaking his head.

It’s Saturday. Do you know where YOUR traitor is? He — just stood there like he was an audience member instead of the one talking. Quite a sight for sore eyes.

“Just like Mitch.” Ah yes, Moscow Mitch. I do doubt Trump will be thrilled to be compared to the Kentucky turtle. He also could be seen closing his eyes. Incredibly, the music still played on. No Springsteen, I am sorry to say.

“If this was Biden it’d be on the front page.” That was said by — by MANY. “Rikers geriatric.” The common theme about this is, of course, his mental health or lack thereof. This was a profound moment.

“Somebody needs to hit the restart button on Trump.” Alas, I doubt that would help. This significant moment of clarity showed Donald Trump’s cognitive decline- shows his brain going, going, gone.

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