Donald Trump sucks at this

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Here’s the thing — Donald Trump sucks at playing the game. Kamala Harris, on the other hand, excels at it, which is why Trump is becoming more unhinged with each passing day. As Bill Palmer has explained, Trump accused Kamala of backing out of the Fox debate except for the fact that she never backed INTO it. That was never going to happen, much as Trump ached for it to. But this shows Trump is being outplayed.

See, Trump clearly underestimated Harris, as he’s underestimated every female ever. He tried, and he tried to get Kamala to agree to participate in this Fox debate that was merely an invention in Trump’s insane brain. But Kamala, who is, unlike the orange one, SMART, nimbly sidestepped every trap the raging rat tried to spring on her.

Again and again, he laid out what he thought was a trap. Again and again, Kamala succeeded in making him look like a fool, which we know he is. So Trump is seeing red (ketchup and anger) because no matter what he does and how much he strikes out, he cannot rattle Kamala. Instead, it’s Trump getting rattled.

And the American people see it. They see the angry and foul wind that is Donald Trump trying to tip over the jasmine plant that is Kamala Harris. They see that as much as that angry wind (windbag) tries, he cannot wilt her glow, he cannot out maneuver her, he can’t do anything at all except try to spring more traps.

But Kamala Harris, as fluid as a butterfly, deftly steps away from all of them. That is driving Donald Trump up the wall — over the edge — to rock bottom — he is raging because, try as he might, he has been out-maneuvered by a WOMAN and a pretty terrific woman at that.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report