Donald Trump struggles outside courtroom

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There have been so many signs for a long time now that Donald Trump is in serious—very serious—cognitive decline. My article would be an encyclopedia, were I to list every sign and Trump gaffe. But I do have one! And this one perfectly illustrates the sorry state Trump’s cognitive abilities are in.

Ahead of being in court on Monday, Trump made very odd remarks. First of he moaned and groaned openly about how early the court was in session today. They did have an earlier-than-usual start time, but not THAT much earlier. The time was 8:45 rather than 9:30 a.m., which seems to have irritated Trump badly.

Trump said the early start time prevented him from performing “campaign obligations.” Stop right there. Campaign obligations? Really? We all know why Trump was irritated with the start time. He lost a bit of traitor sleep. The man, after all, loves his creature comforts, and sleeping late is one of them.

Then Trump, looking wrinkled and fussy, started complaining about how cold the courtroom was and how it felt “like an icebox.” Poor little traitor. Then, once again speaking in the third person, Trump claimed the case was unfair to “Biden’s political opponent” — meaning him.

But the best was yet to come. After complaining bitterly about how unfair the New York legal process is, Donald Trump announced he intends to win New York in the election. Oh boy. He has said that before, but not with such ferocity. His brain must have passed overflow on the incoherence front because there is no way he can POSSIBLY win New York.

Do you know what New York is and who it is? New York is a whirling dervish of the brave, the bold, the beautiful, and the bright. It’s a hub of multi-cultural ideas, images, and people.

It’s a colorful light that never sleeps, that stands for liberty, freedom, and the American way. It’s a fortress that guards city people who dare to dream and be themselves. Its neon lights never stop blinking, nor does its glistening shine ever fade. New York is a place where magic can and does happen. And New York City hates Donald John Trump.

They hate him with such virulent passion that it’s stunning even for a cognitively declining traitor not to see it. Perhaps, though, he does not want to see it. Trump is reportedly holding a rally in the Bronx, something that made this writer howl with laughter. Please join in if you will.

He is also reportedly thinking about holding one at Madison Square Garden. Please do it! The absolute booing that would take place would do my ears good. So yes, Donald Trump is out of it to the point of delusions. How fitting that he should show this decline in one of many places people love to hate him — New York City.

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