Donald Trump, sociopath

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Sociopaths are not all that hard to find if one looks hard enough for them. These monsters in human clothes often reveal themselves through their own hateful language, a language few EXCEPT the truly evil even understand or can make sense of.

Think of it like a field of birds, beautiful and precious birds chirping out lovely songs, while the chosen few –the dark and the brooding, the malcontent birds, the ones who chew on their own wickedness with ferocity, sit alone and detached from the majority.

These are the ones who are alone, eternally alone,, who have nothing to give or offer anyone. This is the life, the image, the person of Donald John Trump.

Trump is saying he would have every right” to imprison his enemies; he explains in pure sociopathic speak, that they did it to him first; therefore, he can do it to them. Ah– the”‘eye for an eye” mentality. The antisocial personality does love this warped way of doling out punishment.

What a cold and cruel way of looking at things. Is there anyone with less emotional depth than Donald Trump?

The man has virtually NO ability to look within, a fact that is so unbelievable , yet because of that very factor, he cannot and will not understand that what happened to him came from within himself.

Trump is destined to live out his days as a lonely, unhappy, convicted felon. As we wait to see his sentencing, let’s be at least a bit comforted in knowing that just BEING the man himself, just BEING Donald Trump, is one of the prisons that he’ll never be able to escape.

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