Donald Trump should have stayed in bed today

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Donald Trump’s babysitters keep facing the same conundrum. If they send him out there on the swing state campaign trail he’ll just talk about cannibals and sharks the entire time, and fail to gain himself any votes. But they can’t keep him home 100% of the time without raising eyebrows. They’ve tried having Trump do friendly media of late, but that hasn’t gone well. So today they sent Trump to a swing state. They shouldn’t have.

Trump gave a rally “speech” in Wisconsin that consisted of two hours of incoherent ranting about Hannibal Lecter and Al Capone. That’s perhaps not surprising, given that they both ended up in prison, and Trump knows that’s where he’s heading if he loses this election. But if he’s that worried about losing and getting locked up, why isn’t he bothering to make an effort to, you know, campaign and actually win over some voters?

It keeps coming back to the ugly reality that Trump is too far gone to understand why he’s even out there on the campaign trail. This is a senile man who thinks that winning an election consists of telling inane stories about fictional serial killers. Trump is now past the assisted living facility stage of his dementia symptoms.

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