Donald Trump runs and hides like the coward that he is

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Palmer Report has told you — we told you — it would happen, and now it has. Donald John Trump is looking to squirm his way out of the upcoming Presidential debate. Does this surprise you?

On Monday, over at Trump’s second home, Fox non-news, Sean Hannity suggested Donald Trump may want to consider not showing up for the debate. Hannity absurdly claimed that President Biden might be “jacked up” during the debate and that Trump may want to reconsider showing up.

“Now there are some even saying that Donald Trump might be wise to just pass on the first debate.” OK. Look. Hannity likely did not say this by accident. He’s as close to Trump as someone can be to a convicted felon and sociopath.

Hannity is the type who needs Trump’s permission to go to the bathroom. Hannity and Trump are two brothers from another mother. It’s doubtful that Hannity did not get the OK from Trump before saying this, and Twitter agrees, which is why thousands are now tweeting that Trump is a useless coward:

“There will be no debate.”


“Hannity is planting the seed.”

Yes, he is. He wants to save his master and commander from making a fool of himself before the American people. Fortunately, the THAT bridge has been crossed. If Trump wiggles out of the deal—and I certainly think he will try—Biden should just go on CNN and show the American people who has the guts to talk to them and who does not.

Trump can’t debate Biden because his failing mental health is now at full throttle, going up the hill as quickly as Little Red Riding Hood trying to outrun the big bad wolf. Trump, who just this weekend again waxed poetic about sharks and electrocution, has no coherent thought left.

Although there is nothing that this writer would like better than to see a babbling traitor make a fool of himself, yet again, my gut tells me that this mythical debate will be just that — a myth.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can