Donald Trump really did step in it on this one

Donald Trump appears to be on a mission to alienate every single block of voters he can find. And this novel approach to losing an election is working. As Bill Palmer told you, Trump got himself in hot water for saying that the Presidential Medal of Freedom—an honor given to civilians—is better than the Medal of Honor for Military valor.
If Trump was looking for something repellent to say to alienate Military members, he could not have landed on anything better. With that one sentence, he has managed to alienate millions. Good job, Donnie!
I cannot tell you how many people are infuriated right now. Many of these people are former or current members of the Military. Actually fury doesn’t quite describe it. Try “enraged,” “horrified,” and “stunned.”
“What’s he doing?”
Nobody knows the answer to that question, including, this writer suspects, Donald Trump himself.
“Denigrates their sacrifice.”
He certainly does. Look, Trump has said many a stupid and shitty thing in the past, but it’s rare when he manages to piss off THIS many people.
TV Producer David Simon: “Sub-moronic shit-heel.”
That’s actually one of the KINDER things I’ve seen written about him.
Look — I doubt there is one pair of eyes reading this article that doesn’t appreciate the military. They’re heroes — all of them, and Donald Trump has shown us even before this horrible comment how little he values their heroic contributions to our FREE country — (suckers and losers, anyone?)
It’s a crying shame. This will cost Donald Trump valuable votes, but I wish he hadn’t said it. The man’s tongue causes pain wherever he goes, whatever he does, and with everything he says.
Our Military has been through enough pain. We want only glory for them. These comments are remarkably obtuse even for Trump and clearly show his declining mental health as well as his utter unfitness to serve — as President or anything else except as inmate.