Donald Trump proves himself too slow to pull a fast one

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Donald Trump visited the 180 Church, a Black church outside of Detroit, this past weekend for what he called “a roundtable.” The first thing out of his mouth was a lie. No surprise there. Trump was quoted as saying: “It’s an honor to be here. It’s a very important area for us. We’ve done more for-and I say this I say it proudly-more for the Black population than any president since Abraham Lincoln.” He went on to say that President Biden has done nothing for Blacks. Trump also claimed that he lowered Black unemployment, but he neglected to mention that President Biden has beaten his so-called record.

As for President Biden, two years into his presidency, David Dixon, a political science professor at Howard University, had this to say: “The soul of the Biden administration is Black, Black and female. His support was overwhelmingly African American and female. The energy in the Biden Harris administration is being directed back to his Black constituents.” If you look at Biden’s record, you know that what Dixon says is true.

President Biden has nominated 25 Black judges to the federal court and the first Black female on the Supreme Court. Of course, his vice-president, Kamala Harris, is the first female of Black and Asian descent to become vice president. In March 2021, Biden signed a “sweeping executive order” (the Root) to expand voting access, and he has forgiven untold sums of student debt, which was a promise he made to Black constituents. Republicans have tried their best to put a stop to ending student loan debt, but Biden has been successful despite them.

Steven Taylor, a government professor at American University, opined that you can’t get a full picture of what President Biden has accomplished. “You don’t have a Congress that’s willing to vote on anything that’s going to improve the lot of Black people,” Taylor said. He’s right about that, and the worst of that group are Trump Republicans. Yet, Trump has the colossal nerve to show his face in a Black church to crow about how much he’s done for Blacks.

As is usual for Trump, his roundtable turned out to be a scam. Newsweek reported that the church was mostly filled with Trump’s white supporters. Those people would never set food in a Black church if their lives depended on it, but to help Trump scam, they were all in. Then, once his fake roundtable ended, he turned back to denigrating majority Black cities, calling Milwaukee “horrible,” just as he did after he lost with Atlanta and Baltimore, calling them “crime-infested hellholes.” After the last election he allegedly told officials in Michigan not to certify the results because “everybody knows Detroit is crooked as hell” and has told his followers to “guard the vote” in “cities like Detroit.”

These words about and characterizations of predominantly Black cities show where Trump’s head is when it comes to Blacks. Yet, he wants the Black vote. Any Black people who vote for Trump are bigger fools than his regular supporters.

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