Donald Trump panics, deletes Truth Social post about Stormy Daniels

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Those of us watching Donald Trump’s criminal trial at home have to wait until a witness is called before we know who’s taking the stand next. Trump, as the defendant, is notified the night before so that his attorneys can properly prepare.

This prompted him to make an angry Truth Social post early this morning in which he declared “I have just recently been told who the witness is today.” He didn’t mention the witness’ name or make any attacks, but he did go on to accuse the prosecution and judge of playing games. Shortly thereafter we learned that the witness was Stormy Daniels.

Then, after major news outlets including CNN started talking about Trump’s post, he deleted it. The post didn’t appear to actually violate the gag order. But it is interesting that Trump – perhaps at the urging of his handlers – nonetheless panicked and took it down.

Trump is now walking a fine line between the barely controlled rage he clearly feels toward witnesses like Stormy Daniels, and his desperate fear of going to jail.

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