Donald Trump panics about his dying campaign, brings in Corey Lewandowski of all people

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As Donald Trump’s 2024 prospects continue to slip away from him, there have been various media reports that he’s been looking at firing the people running his campaign. In return, unnamed people from the Trump campaign have been leaking to the media that it’s not their fault that Trump keeps going off script and sabotaging himself and can’t seem to function like a person.

Now things have indeed reached the point of true panic for Donald Trump, as he just brought Corey Lewandowski back to his 2024 campaign. In addition to Lewandowski’s alleged history of assault, he’s also just not any good at trying to run a campaign. Trump is essentially trading the chicken pox for the measles. What’s weird though is that he’s not firing the people currently running the campaign.

How do you bring in someone new to run your campaign, while also keeping the existing people in place to run your campaign? Also, Trump is clearly at that classic stage of his downfall where he brings in the people he remembers best, instead of bringing in people who can help him, because his dementia-riddled universe keeps shrinking in that regard.

Trump is trying to cover for his panic by declaring on social media that “We’re leading in almost all Polls, in some cases leading by A LOT.” But come on now. Even Trump doesn’t believe that lie, or else he wouldn’t be shaking up his campaign leadership with just eighty days to go. Trump is now in full blown panic mode – which is hard to do right when you’re also in full blown dementia.

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