Donald Trump melts down in his own little fantasy world

Earlier this week Donald Trump announced that he’d sent the military into California to forcibly “turn the water back on” against the state’s will, and that this is what finished off the Los Angeles fires. Not one word of this actually happened, of course. The only water that came to Los Angeles was the rain over the weekend. Is Trump now so far gone that he thinks he had the military turn the rain on?
This mentally incompetent incident alone should have been enough to get Trump involuntarily committed to a professional care facility. But it’s far from isolated. In fact these kinds of hallucinatory meltdowns are pretty much all Trump does these days.
Trump’s latest social media posts are nonsensical rants about everyone from John Brennan to the Fed Chair. This is what he’s focused on. Not his failed attempt at cutting off all government assistance programs, which has already been overturned in court, and set off massive backlash because it included Medicaid. Trump isn’t focused on that battle. Nor is he focused on trying to help get his struggling cabinet nominees confirmed (there’s serious doubt as to whether RFK Jr and Tulsi Gabbard have the votes).
Instead Donald Trump is fully into la la land. It’s to be expected, from a guy who spent his campaign obsessively talking about fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter as if he were 1) real, 2) a great person, 3) deceased, and 4) currently in the audience. Again, this is the kind of thing that families use to get elderly dementia patients involuntarily placed into care facilities. But no one around Trump cares enough about him to bother trying to get him help. So instead he’s out there barking at the moon in humiliating fashion, even as his agenda flounders out of the gate.