Donald Trump melts down after realizing he’s going to be convicted

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Given that Donald Trump has slept through much of his criminal trial, and spent Michael Cohen’s testimony looking at unrelated pictures he’d been handed, it’s not clear that Trump has enough remaining cognitive capacity to figure out that he’s about to be convicted. But it does appear that his babysitters have broken the news to him, and he’s less than happy about it.

Trump posted this on social media: “Radical, highly Conflicted Judge Juan Merchan had to come up with three FAKE options for the jury to choose from, without requiring them to be unanimous, which is completely UNAMERICAN AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL…” blah, blah, blah. You get the idea.

But the point here is that Trump now seems to understand that he’s indeed about to be convicted. If his babysitters thought there were any realistic chance he’d be acquitted, they’d be selling Trump on that notion. Instead they’ve skipped straight to the part where they try to make it the judge’s fault that he’s about to be convicted for his crimes.

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