Donald Trump just walked right into the “exhausted” trap

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Donald Trump’s babysitters made a major error today when they tried to explain away his dementia-riddled public appearances and string of cancelations by saying that he’s “exhausted.” It plays right into the narrative that, at age 78, severely obese, physically feeble looking, and increasingly confused and incoherent, he’s simply too much of a goner to be a viable candidate. Now Trump has made it even worse for himself.

After Trump’s people stupidly set the “exhausted” trap for their own candidate, Trump walked right into it by using one campaign event to complain about having to do another campaign event afterward:

Donald Trump is at a point where he’s canceling half his campaign events, and spending the rest of them standing on stage whining about how many events he still has to do. He just asked the question, “Am I finished?” Well, yes. In more ways than one. Let’s keep working and run up the score against this empty vessel.

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