Donald Trump just stepped in it

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

As soon as Donald Trump ousted the FAA Chair and the airline safety board last month, airplanes began falling out of the sky in rapid fashion. Plane crashes in the United States are suddenly a near-daily occurrence. Trump wanted to be President of the United States, so it’s his responsibility to fix this mess – or at least show some leadership. Unfortunately for Trump, he’s capable of neither.

Not only is Trump failing to do anything to address the plane crash crisis, he seems to think it’s funny:

In other words, Trump just handed us a new narrative to use against him. Not only is he failing to provide any leadership, he’s making a joke out of the entire thing. Trump is the joke – and it’s not funny.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can